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cuddle + kind Claire the Koala (mint) - 13in


$ 74.00

  • Product Description

Birthday: December 3rd

I live in a beautiful treehouse perched high in the sky. Won’t you come visit me? We can go on adventures in the magical treetops, take long, delicious naps and dream of changing the world. Let’s be BFFs and help make the world a better place. Together we can do anything!

Favourite quote: “Daydream believer”

Goal: To provide 1 million meals a year.

1 doll provides 10 meals to children in North America and around the world.

1 doll = 10 meals

You are helping children grow, fight disease, develop cognitively and reach their full potential by providing nutritious meals.

Fair trade

You are supporting artisans in Peru with sustainable, fair trade wages.


You are giving children the energy they need to learn as well as an incentive to send them to school.

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