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Three Graces Amulet Convertible Necklace & Bracelet


$ 199.00

  • Product Description

This convertible necklace and bracelet with removable charm is endlessly chic and meaningful.

Double the gold plating for durability

Converts to separate necklace and bracelet

Removable Coin Charm is 30mm in diameter with hand-set pave


In Greek mythology, the Three Graces, also known as the Charites, were goddesses who represented charm, beauty, and grace. They personified qualities that brought joy and elegance to human life. 

  1. Aglaea: She represented elegance and was associated with beauty and the radiance that comes from within.

  2. Euphrosyne: She symbolized joy and brought delight to people's lives, emphasizing the enjoyment of life's blessings.

  3. Thalia: She represented abundance and good cheer and was associated with the bountiful nature of the earth, bringing growth and prosperity.


The Three Graces were often depicted together, holding hands or linked arm in arm, representing the pure beauty of female community. They were important figures in Greek mythology and frequently appeared in various artworks, including sculptures, paintings, and literature. The Three Graces have been portrayed in various artworks across different time periods, cultures, and art forms.

Botticelli: an iconic painting from the Italian Renaissance

Rubens: a Flemish Baroque painter

Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux: Carpeaux, a 19th-century French sculptor

The Three Graces" by Antonio Canova: Canova, an Italian Neoclassical sculptor,

And now, Stella & Dot- your piece of art and tribute to female beauty! 

L: 29"

W: 43.5 G

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