All Trendy Fashion Stores in One App

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All Trendy Fashion Stores in One App

  • Product Description

If there was a rectangle-shaped hole in your heart, what would fill it? Here's our list: pens that write as smoothly as well-conditioned hair, colored pencils for stress-reduction doodling, magic wands, emergency tampons, emergency candy bars and a stash of Earl Grey tea bags, all lined up in a row. Go wild! And hide any pencil-sized treasure you'd like inside an eco-friendly zippered pouch by Blue Q.  

4.25"h x 8.5"w
95% post consumer recycled materials. 

Style Options: 
"I Have Secrets. Cool Ones."
"You're Kind of a Legend"
"Ringmaster of the Shit Show"
Plant Babies (black)
Flower Field (white)
"Pretty Sure Nobody Asked You"
"I Love My Dog"
"Cause of Death: Small Talk"
"Full of Wonder"
"Always Be Yourself, Unless You Can Be a Unicorn"

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