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Makaha Travel Print by Nick Kuchar - NEW!


$ 30.00

  • Product Description

Makaha Beach Park has a storied history of watermen and big wave riding feats along with its natural beauty of sunsets and cultural richness.

Nick's Commentary: "There were several features of Makaha beach I wanted to include, like the backwash of the shorebreak as the waves rush back out to see.  What a unique added experience of surfing a world class wave, riding it close to shore and then anticipate the previous wave rushing back out to you from the steep sandy shelf.  At Makaha you'll see talented watermen (and women) riding surf craft of all different shapes and sizes.  If you don't surf and want to simply enjoy the scenery you can easily grab shade under the false Kamani trees along the shore.  Also I wanted to include a subtle hint of the honu just as subtle as their playful presence underwater in the distance."


Print is sized at 12"x18" and are beautifully full color press printed on heavyweight smooth stock. Print is custom designed by artist Nick Kuchar.

*due to a drastic increase in the price of lay flat kraft mailers for this product, we've had to raise our online price for all Nick Kuchar travel prints from $25 to $30. For all local shoppers, you can continue to purchase travel prints in our store for $25.  Mahalo for your understanding.

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