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Hibiscus + Astragalus Regenerative Face Mask


$ 32.00

  • Product Description

Hibiscus flowers and Astragalus root, pair up with Rhassoul, and Rose clay, to preform pore-refining, anti-aging magic. One jar makes approximately 30 masks.

Key Ingredients:

Hibiscus - Sometimes touted as "natures botox", the natural acids in hibiscus help maintain the skins elasticity by decreasing elastase, an enzyme that breaks down our skin’s natural elastin. It is also high in vitamin C, which is a crucial part of collagen production.

Astragalus Root - One of the major active components in Astragalus is Astragaloside, which has been found to decrease the rate of the environmentally induced breakdown of collagen in the skin. Astragalus also increases productions of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for skin hydration. Overall, its a magnificent addition to any botanically-based, anti-aging skin regimen. One jar makes approximately 30 masks

Rhassoul clay - This silky, spa-quality clay is sometimes called Moroccan red clay, as it is only found in a valley of the Atlas mountains in Morocco. This luscious clay has the ability to both nourish skin and reduce breakouts. In clinical studies and tests on Rhassoul it was found to increase skin elasticity, even skin tone, reduce blemishes and blackheads and ease dryness.

Ingredients: Rhassoul Clay, Pink Clay, Kaolin Clay, Hibiscus Powder*, Astragalus Powder*, Ylang ylang oil*, Bergamot oil* (*Certified organic ingredient)

Directions: Mix equal parts mask powder with water or hydrosol to form a paste. Try starting with one teaspoon of each. Apply to face/neck. Leave on for 5 -10 minutes or until dried. Rinse with warm water. *Do not use metal utensils when mixing the mask as it can dull the effectiveness of the clays.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.

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