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Essential Oil Starter Kit with Desert Mist Diffuser


$ 120.00

  • Product Description
This Premium Starter Kit comes with 12 amazing oils and a Moroccan Style Diffuser. These everyday oils are will help bring balance and peace into your life as soon as you crack open the bottle.
  • Frankincense – it’s like Spanx for your face it helps so much with fine lines and brightening the skin. I use it to make my own that’s way better than the serums at the department store.
  • Lavender – it’s like the Swiss-Army knife of oils. When you don’t know what to use, reach for Lavender. So good for sleep, relaxation, skin issues, and so much more. I even use it to dab on blemishes to get rid of them faster.
  • Peppermint – amazing for digestion but can also be used in cooking and baking (like 2 drops in a batch chocolate brownies is all you need). Most peppermint oil out there is not made for internal use – that’s a red flag it isn’t pure. So love that I can use this one for consumption.
  • Lemon – use it to replace your lemon juice in water because it’s made from the rinds (not the juice). It’s high in d-limonene – which is an antioxidant – and helps to clean the body out. Definitely good for internal use and smells great in the diffuser. Combine lemon and peppermint in the diffuser when you need to get work done or for homework time for the kids.
  • Valor – this blend is made with black spruce, camphor, blue tansy, frankincense and geranium. It’s the perfect blend to help calm those anxious feelings – like getting on a plane, doing a big presentation, or doing anything when you’re feeling nervous. It really helps to calm the nerves. Use Valor + Frankincense together for an extra boost of courage and calm.
  • Peace & Calming – this blend is made with tangerine, orange, blue tansy, ylang ylang and patchouli. It’s amazing for feeling calm when things are chaotic. I use it on my kids too when they’re acting a bit crazy. I also love P&C + Lavender in the diffuser at night. We all sleep like a baby with this combo.
  • Stress Away – this blend is made with copaiba, lime, cedarwood, vanilla, ocotea, and lavender. It’s made to help chill you out. I love this one when I’m at the theme park at the kids and the lines are packed. It just helps to melt all the stress away. It also smells amazing as a perfume or cologne. So ditch the department store fragrances and use this instead.
  • DiGize – this blend is made with tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise and patchouli. This blend is amazing for digestion. It works so fast to help calm an upset stomach – from eating junk food or just something that doesn’t agree with your stomach.
  • Citrus Fresh – this blend is made with orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, and spearmint. It’s so good in water like lemon and has a sweetness to it because of the spearmint. Put it in your iced tea – so good! You can even use it to make marinades and salad dressings.
  • Raven – this blend is made with camphor, lemon, wintergreen, peppermint and eucalyptus. Use it to make a homemade chest rub to calm coughs or even in the diffuser when you’re feeling congested. It’s also great for use in the bath – use 1 cup of epsom salts, 1 tsp coconut oil + 5 drops of Raven and put in the bath. It’ll feel like you’re in the spa.
  • PanAway – this blend is made with wintergreen, helichrysum, clove and peppermint. It’s SO good for soothing sore and tired muscles. I love it after a workout or when my back feels achy.
  • Thieves – this blend is made with cinnamon, clove, rosemary, eucalyptus and lemon. It’s great for immune support (perfect this time of year when things are going around). Put a drop on a spoonful of honey and take internally (soothes sore throats too) or add a drop to a cup full of warm water and drink as a wellness tea. It’s also great in the diffuser too – it smells like cookies. So ditch those pumpkin spice candles and air fresheners and use this instead.

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