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All Trendy Fashion Stores in One App




$ 58.00

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The local squirt parents decide to do their best rendition of an NHL All Star Game intro for the boys first game of the year to pump them up....what a mistake this was! They turned off the lights and they had Coop's mom out there waving flashlights like she is fresh off the runway at the local airport....meanwhile Arg's dad is out there with Roman Candles recklessly firing them off into the crowd.......then you had Smitty's half uncle on the mic MC'ing the whole ordeal tripping up the boys with the mic cord as they came out of the tunnel and onto the can't make this stuff up......they ended up playing on the alternate sheet of ice as Stock's 3rd cousin by marriage can't figure out how to turn off the fog machine........needless to say it began to look like a college Spring Break party in Cancun.......such an Amateur Intro. #SquirtOlympics #SauceLife #AmateurHour #Circus


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